Keep Having Dates!

Last night I had one of those “sweet craving” attacks. No, I wasn’t hypoglycemic. I just had that desperate need for sweets. I grabbed my package of medjool dates and ate as many as I wanted. What happens next for me is quite amazing. I need to stop all insulin dosing from my insulin pump and wait for glucose readings to stop rising as Dates increase my insulin sensitivity. It topped at 140. So I raised my insulin sensitivity factor another 10 points in my insulin pump wizard to 1 unit of insulin to lower my glucose 120 points. I reduced my basal insulin in half to .175 units per hour and fell asleep. I woke up at 6 am with a blood sugar of 85. Ten years ago, I needed 1 unit of insulin to lower my blood sugar by 10 points. I don’t get those cravings often, but I’ve learned that when I do, my body needs something that the dates provide, although I have no idea what that is. I highly recommend eating dates when your body has a “sugar craving attack”. You don’t have to be a diabetic to listen to your body telling you what it needs and finding a whole food solution.
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