Fire TV Stick 4K
I purchased the Fire TV Stick 4K this past July and plugged it into my 2012 Toshiba TV. I had been using the original Fire TV Stick prior for my cord cutting TV viewing and my eyes would get tired so quickly. I was thinking I needed a newer TV and heard great things visually about the ones that were 4K, but before biting the bullet to buy one, I decided to give the Newer Fire TV Stick 4K a shot. It took over all the settings on my old TV and upgraded the sound and image output to maximize my TV’s visual and sound experience. WOW!! I was so impressed with the difference it made for my eyes and ears, that I ordered a second Fire TV Stick 4K within 2 days for my other TV. Before you spend lots of money on new TVs, spend a few bucks on the Fire TV Stick 4K for all your existing TVs first. It’s a big bang for a few bucks.
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