Choose Deeply Colored Unprocessed Whole Foods for Nutrient Density & Better Blood Sugar Control.

I can bake a White, Yellow, Red, or Purple SKIN Colored potato with its skins on, needing much less insulin than if I cut it up and boil, steam or fry it and then eat it. Why? Because the Baked Potato is a Whole Food, prepared without any processing. Whole Foods Trump Processed Foods.
Instead of having a baked White, Yellow, Red or Purple SKIN Colored potato with its skins on, I can bake a yellow yam with its skins on, needing much less insulin than if I have a Red or White or Purple Skinned Baked Potato. So YELLOW Pulped Yams Trump WHITE Pulped Potatoes. They have more fiber, more nutrients, fewer carbs and calories. This is called NUTRIENT DENSITY.
Instead of having a baked yellow yam, I can bake a red garnet yam, needing less insulin than the yellow yam. Why? Because nutrient density increases with the deeper the pulp color.
Instead of having a baked red garnet yam, I can bake a purple yam, needing much less insulin than the red garnet yam. Why? Because nutrient density increases with the deeper color.
Now imagine the change in blood sugar control that happens as you change your choices from white pulp potato “fries” or “hashbrowns” or “mashed potatoes” to baked purple yams!
So choose Nutrient Dense Deep Colored Whole Foods. And prepare them in the least processed way. You will feel fuller, get more nutrients, and your blood sugars will be easier to control, needing less insulin to cover.
Now take the same choice processes with you as you choose your all your groceries: Strawberries or Blackberries? Red Cabbage or Green Cabbage? White onions or Yellow onions or Red Onions? Watermelon or Cantaloupe? Brown Rice or White Rice? Light green Iceberg Lettuce or Dark Green Kale? Navy Beans or Kidney Beans or Black Beans?
I bought these bags to hang in my grocery cart to make sure that I get plenty of each color of food when I shop.
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